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Why Is My HVAC Thermostat in Recovery Mode?

Several things can cause your HVAC thermostat to go into recovery mode. This mode might sound like something to worry about, but it’s usually not. Here’s a quick look at some reasons your HVAC thermostat in Daytona Beach, FL, might enter recovery mode:

Preparing for a Temperature Change

If you’ve set your thermostat to follow a schedule, it may enter recovery mode to adjust the temperature before a certain time. For example, you might want your home cooler before your set bedtime. If so, the thermostat will switch to recovery mode and begin cooling in advance.

Conserving Energy

Some thermostats go into recovery mode to conserve energy. This is because slowly adjusting the temperature can use less power than making a single adjustment. Doing this is also easier on your HVAC system.

Adjusting for Outdoor Temperature

When outdoor temperatures drop or rise quickly, your thermostat might go into recovery mode. This allows the thermostat to adjust the temperature without overloading your HVAC system.

Learning Your Preferences

A new smart thermostat will learn your preferences, but this takes time. Your new thermostat might enter recovery mode as it learns when and how much to cool or heat your home. If this continues after you’ve had the thermostat for a while, it might need maintenance.

Experiencing HVAC Problems

The thermostat might go into recovery mode in response to your HVAC system. For example, recovery mode might result if the thermostat is trying to get your HVAC system to reach a specific temperature. But if the HVAC system isn’t responding, it can trigger recovery mode.

Our HVAC service technicians can figure out why your thermostat is in recovery mode. Contact Arctic Breeze Air Conditioning & Heating for your heating and air conditioning needs.

Image provided by iStock

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